March 23

4-4 Social Bookmarking Lesson Plan

Here is a lesson plan from my College and Career Readiness class that I changed to include a social bookmarking element. My changes to the original can be seen in red:

I chose this lesson plan to incorporate social bookmarking because I remember thinking, “I have so many resources I want to show them, but they will get lost on a powerpoint slide or pushed out in the chat box.” The use of a collaborative Pinterest board allowed me to not only display the resources I found, but also have them research their own and contribute to the class. They can also save the Pinterest board to refer back to later. They may even have some resources or programs that they are already in that I may learn from as well.

Some things I need to keep in mind before doing this lesson is that the students will need to have a Pinterest account already in order to contribute to the board. I may want to push the directions out in the prior lesson and have them set up an account for homework so we don’t have to lose time in class setting up accounts.

The advantages of this revision are that students will now have resource in one spot to refer to if they decide to not go to college, but still want to receive career training. The disadvantages may be that students will choose not to participate during live lesson, or do not feel comfortable setting up their own account for privacy purposes. Sometimes when they are barely paying attention in class and are asked to go perform a task outside of our discussion, I sometimes lose kids. But overall, it is something I will incorporate because I think the pros outweigh the cons.

Posted March 23, 2023 by jer5031 in category Uncategorized

3 thoughts on “4-4 Social Bookmarking Lesson Plan

  1. Becky

    Jessica, this was a great idea and a wonderful use of Pinterest! Your students will have a common place to save useful resources and information. Wonderful!

  2. Kyle Wolfe

    I didn’t think about the time needed to create a Pinterest account. I like your idea of having that be homework but I can see this being used regularly so I might have my students create an account at the start of the course. Make it part of the introduction “to-do” list.

  3. Rajah Lehr

    Pinterest makes it very easy to display an example like you mentioned without students feeling the need to copy the teacher. Pinterest would be a great way to display the information you teach because it would allow your students to have yet another place to find the resources they need beyond your course.


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